Sis! I can't wait to spend time with you. I look forward to coaching you, walking you through the process of identifying what you were created to do. Do you find yourself asking yourself questions like,

  • Why Am I here?”

  • “What have I been created to do?”

  • Is there a purpose for my life?”

  • What is my life's purpose?”

  • Where do I begin with discovering my life's purpose?”

Hey Sis! I'm so excited to share this new addition to A Woman Worth Holding Onto Global with you. This is my opportunity through Membership, Mentorship, and Partnership to prepare you to do what you were created to do.

Listen, I’m ready for you. No, really. I’m ready to help you. I’m not just saying that to impress you. I have spent the past twenty plus years preparing me to do what I do. You see, before launching out on any endeavor, I believe there should be a season of “Preparation before Presentation”. Experience has taught me that calling alone is not enough to successfully do what I was created to do. For this reason, I first invested in preparing me before attempting to help anybody.

Why? Because you are not a guinea pig on which principles should be tried that I have not, or am not willing to apply to my personal life. Any work that the Father has assigned us, He first wants to accomplish in us, and then work it through us. Jesus tells Peter in Luke 22:31-32 AMP, 31 “Simon, Simon (Peter), listen! Satan has demanded permission to sift [all of] you like grain; 32 but I have prayed [especially] for you [Peter], that your faith [and confidence in Me] may not fail; and you, once you have turned back again [to Me], strengthen and support your brothers [in the faith].” See, He first wants change in us, and then He wants to work it through us. Here again is Jesus in Acts 1:4,8 AMP, While being together and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Of which,” He said, “you have heard Me speak. But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.” This is not an overnight work, but if you invest the time and resources you will experience the benefits.

Over the past twenty years I have invested time and resources into my personal, and professional development through the following:.

  • Completion of my Biblical Counseling Diploma and Board Certification with a focus on women

  • Completion of my Advanced Christian Coaching Certification

  • Completion of my Mental Health Coaching Certification

  • Completion of my Mental Health Advocate Certification

  • Ministerial Licensing

  • Pastoral Ordination

    All of it has helped to prepare me to do what I was created to do. Every session I've birthed, book I've written, t-shirt I've released, every individual and group I've coached, counseled, prayed for, ministered to, and walked alongside has further equipped me to do what I was created to do. My continued focus on my personal development keeps me prepared. Now Sis, I am prepared and ready to empower, encourage, and equip you also to do what you were created to do!


The PrepareHER participation option of the A Woman Worth Holding Onto Global Community is for the woman who is hungry, ready, and available to prepare to do what she was created to do. It's an intentional level of participation for the woman who:

  • Wants to do what she was created to do.

  • Is committed, focused, and ready to devote time and resources towards preparing to do what she was created to do.

  • Desires to learn more about herself as she prepares to do what she was created to do.

  • Desires to strengthen her relationship with God and others as she prepares to do what she was created to do.

  • Is looking for women to walk alongside her as she grows through the process of preparing to do what she was created to do.

  • Thrives in intimate/small group Christian, non-judgmental settings and embraces connection.



  • Exclusive Membership Site Access

  • Like-minded women to encourage and walk with you

  • Resources to help you


  • Coaching to Empower You

  • Sisterhood to Encourage You

  • Tools To Equip You


  • A place to do what you were created to do

  • Collaborations to strengthen you

  • Opportunity for continued support as you branch off to do what you were created to

Hear What Our CORE Community Members Have To Say!

“Coach Tam has been a complete part of me maturing spiritually. She has helped me grow in the study and understanding of the Word.”

~Pamela Dixon,


“Coach Tam’s impact in my life has caused me to grow spiritually, as an adult and parent.”

~Violet Whiteside,



“Coach Tam never let me quit even when in my mind I had already gone. She pushed me through sickness, through school, through ministry and life happenings.”

~Marsha Earl,


TransForME Coach

“Being a part of the AWWHO Global CORE has changed my life tremendously. This year I have grown in my knowledge of the Word, identified and am walking in my purpose, and have pinpointed my priorities.”

~Barbara Buckner,



Okay. You’ve heard from us and a few of the “A Woman Worth Holding Onto Global” Core Community Members. Now we’re waiting to hear from you.

Is PrepareHER calling you? Here is what’s next for you:

  • Complete the PrepareHER RSVP Form below to join us in the Zoom Room for an hour of Impartation, Inspiration, and Information on Thursday, May 16, 2024 from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm.



Additional Information

For additional information, email us at

We look forward to connecting with you.

We are PreparingHER one woman at a time.